Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm almost done

I had my concert last night, and it seemed to go pretty well. A fair number of people came, and the sound was good in the theater space. It was more difficult than I thought to play computer generated tunes alongside those I've been playing for years. Some were downright awkward. But others were actually quite believable, and to test how believable they really were, I would play set without mentioning what the tunes were, and then ask the audience for a show of hands to see what was composed by whom (or by what). Out of the six CG tunes I played at the concert, alongside a dozen human-composed tunes, about half of them evenly split the audience's opinion. One tune, which I played alongside a hornpipe called The Wren, actually got mistaken for being "fake," and Tune #4 was thought to be "real."

I'm being pressured, now, to make a CD of my computer tunes. That might happen some time this summer.

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